Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Dissertation Feedback//Consent to the use of Data Form.

Today, I was sent along some additional information in regards to my dissertation preparation from tutor Jill Fernie- Clarke. Due to the ethical subject matter and nature of my dissertation, when interviewing prospective interviewees, the consent form, as shown below, must be filled in and completed to comply with significant laws and privacy protection requirements, along with letting each of the interviewees know what the specific information will be required for.

Looking forward to making a positive start on my dissertation research, just have a lot of Graphic Design module work to get through first! (See both my Design Practice and Design Context blogs for more details).



I understand that _____________________________________________
(name of researcher)

is collecting data in the form of __________________________________________________________________
            (type of data, e.g. taped interviews, completed questionnaires)

for use in an academic research project at Leeds College of Art

There should be an attached sheet with further information for participants explaining the aims, scope and method of the research.

I give my consent to the use of data for this purpose on the understanding that:

Delete, add or alter as required
§  All names and other material likely to identify individuals will be anonymised.
§  The material will be treated as confidential and kept in secure storage at all times.
§  The material will be destroyed once the project is complete.
§  The material will be retained in secure storage for use in future academic research
§  The material may be used in future publications, both print and online.

Signed by the contributor:__________________________      date:


Signed on behalf of the contributor (i.e. parent/guardian in case of a person under 18)
___________________________________________________       date:

*Drafted with reference to the procedures of the University of Glasgow