Thursday 2 December 2010

Essay Questions and Preperation.

In preperation for our forthcoming 1,500 word essay, we have to submit by January 25th, 2011, we were presented with a list of essay questions, one of which we shall choose to title our piece:

-"Focusing on specific examples, describe the way that Modernist art & design was a response to forces of modernity?"

-"Choosing a particular period for 1800 to the present, in what ways has art or design responded to the changing social and cultural forces of that period? (2 specific examples)"

-"Is it possible to describe any aspect of graphic design today as post-modern(ist)?"

-"Could it be argued that fine art ought to be assigned more 'value' that graphic design?"

-"Advertising doesn't sell things; all advertising does is that the way people think or feel (Jeremy Bullmore). Evaluate this statement with reference to selected critical theories (past and present)."

Important things to consider:

-Limit the examples of discussion down to 2-3.
-"Graphic Design as Communication" by Malcolm Barnard for case study.
-Find quotes from numerous academic sources- books and internet sources, etc.

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