Monday 9 January 2012

CTS Essay//Preparation//Essay Structure Re-Draft.

After a discussion with tutor Richard Miles today about my concerns of "cramming" my 2000 essay with too many different angles and discussion points, I have decided to "re-propose" my essay, now with a more suitable title for my chosen subject matter- looking at how demands of contemporary cultures have effected the sustainability of packaging within the food industry.

"How has evolving global and environmental awareness in contemporary society affected sustainable design within the food industry?"



Discuss the decade of global awareness- global warming, deforestation, 'An Inconvenient Truth', consumer awareness.


The heightened cultural awareness to global issues through politics, media, and contemporary culture and it's affects on the consumer conscience. 
Brand reactions to evolving awareness- discuss materials now used and developed within packaging design- 
recycling, biodegradable, etc.


Case study of the Innocent brand and how their ethos and "mission statements" are showcased through their methods of sustainability- packaging, charity, profit sharing, rainforest alliance, etc.


Discus the overall sociological effects of branding and packaging/sustainable ethos' within the food industry (and the consequent success or failure of a brand), and the effect this has on customer psychology.

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